Friday, June 1, 2007

Effects of Air Pollution

First of all, let us ask our self what does air pollution mean? When people think about air pollution, they usually think about smog, acid rain, CFC's, and other forms of outdoor air pollution. But did they know that incident could be inside our home and we don’t know that. We always should ask our self whether we in healthy circumstances and do we have healthy environment. It’s necessary to know that other wise the air pollution will effect us and it will take us to the serous death. The harmful air generated by thermal power plants, and speeding cars causing dust to rise from the roads. On the other hand, the air pollution will effect the animals which we eat their meat or we could drink their milk. Finally, the air pollution is very dangerous for everyone who lives in this planet.

Effects of global warming

The effects of global warming become very serious problem everywhere. The average of the global temperature will increase and that will effect the human in advance. Moreover, that will increase the weather events in some areas. In some cases, the effects may already be occurring without out early expectation and that will effect our planet for example, rising sea levels, temperature rise, forest fires, effects on agriculture, flood and volcanoes. In addition, the economy will be more costly comparing with last ten tears and the people will suffer from the incident. Furthermore, the air pollution which is caused by cars and industries will effect the human health, and then there will be a massive diseases like heard attack and cancer diseases and when people think about air pollution, they usually think about smog, acid rain, CFC's, and other forms of outdoor air pollution. But did they know that air pollution also can exist inside homes and other buildings and every year the health of many people is affected by chemical substances present in the air within buildings.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Causes of Air Pollution

Nowadays, there are many causes of air pollution which come from industries, automobiles and air planes. When we are talking about pollution we mean gasses and dust in the atmosphere which causes air pollution. Much type of gasses can be considered as pollution, like carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide that are sent to by burning fossil fuels such as oil and gas. In addition, there is another source that causes air pollution like volcanoes and fires in forests which account for a high level of global warming. Many countries all over the world are trying to solve the problem and they are creating a technology that might reduce the emissions which are caused by the human beings and are polluting the air.

The Causes of Global Warming

There are many causes of the global warming crisis according to researchers around the world. Human beings produce lots of things that cause global warming. For example, 90 percent of it comes from the consumption of fossil fuels, particularly diesel fuel, coal, jet fuel, natural gas, kerosene and burning of wood. In addition, the green houses gases are water vapor, which causes a rise in the temperature of the atmosphere. Also, increasing of gases is faster than temperature. Moreover, new technology is becoming the most common disaster for human beings which include emissions that cause problems in the atmosphere. On the other hand, automobile emissions destroy all technology that stop air pollution causing emissions which produced by automobile. Another cause is the emissions which come from industries that cause a massive rise in temperature.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Global Warming

Nowadays the global warming has become one of the most interesting issues that many countries think about and try to find solution to avoid the incident that can cause a hole in the ozone layer. The Scientists all over the world are carrying out research to find the causes and the effects of the global warming and how it works and what it cause. Certainly, global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere and that means the climate is going to be changed and the earth will be warmer in the future. The problem is we are in a vicious circle. On the other hand, economic growth means more energy we will consume and this means more carbons and gases emissions which lead to climate change. We need to look for urgent solutions, two of which would seem to be, firstly nuclear power and secondly, the development of renewable fuels for example water and wind.

Monday, April 2, 2007

My Profile

My name is Masood Mohamed. I’m 31 years old, and I live in Shahama in the United Arab Emirates with my wife and three children in our own house.

I graduated from the higher secondary school and the name of the school is Abdul Qader Al Jazaeri High School and it was in 1994. After graduating from school I worked for Abu Dhabi Municipality for one year and a half. After that, I worked for Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce for about one year. Then I moved to work with His Highness Sheik Abdulla Bin Zayed Al Nahyan for four years and a half. In June 2000, I started working for Abu Dhabi Liquid Gas Limited Company until 2004 and then the company sponsored me on a scholarship in the Higher Colleges of Technology until now. After finishing my higher diploma I’m going to continue my studies until I get a masters degree.

My favorite hobbies are travelling, fishing and reading newspapers. Sometimes in my free times I go swimming with my friends or riding a motorbike.